Changing the system to adapt is not defeat
I can imagine being a stubborn authoritarian who is always right may be a goal of the misguided. It is not appealing to me. In other words, changes are coming.
First the good. All of the backlog of Xtra Xtra sponsored episodes are on the way. I modeled myself as a truth teller so to maintain being a teller of the truth this must happen as soon as possible. Moving forward after the massive release of backlogs there is a new system in place to prevent this error from happening again.
Second the bad. VDG Sports Monday through Friday concept is changing. The keyword is changing the system. The amount of work put in does not equal the goal results. So instead of attempting to force a square peg in a round hole I’m going to get a round peg. This does not mean you will never see them again. It does mean they will only come around on special occasions.
Last the unknown. I do not know what will replace the Monday – Friday concept. Don’t fret however, we will be utilizing YouTube Shorts more.